Number of unemployed in Estonia falls below 30000 for the first time since recession
The Baltic Course
The number of registered jobless continued to decrease in May 2014 in Estonia and reached 29,388 people by the end of the month, which formed ...
Average Estonian immigrant is a 20 something Russian man, who comes here to work
The Baltic Course
At the Migration Forum in Tallinn it was noted that Estonia is not attractive for immigrants, who are looking for high social benefits, rather, people come ...
Russians rank Baltic countries among Russia's top five enemies
Baltic Business News
Estonia was ranked fifth as the least friendly country to Russia, according to a public poll conducted by the Levada-Center, a non-governmental polling ...
Neivelt's 1000-euro minimum wage idea unrealistic – central banker
Baltic Business News
Bank of Estonia Governor Ardo Hanson says the idea proposed by banker Indrek Neivelt to raise the minimum wage to 1,000 euros by 2018 is ...
Hundreds of millions in cash keep flowing from Estonia to Russia
Baltic Business News
Estonian currency exchange bureau Tavid has become a major player in the scheme where Russian businessmen transfer large sums of money to ...