Estonia is a relatively low-stress country, shows the Most Stressed-out Nations in the World survey by Bloomberg. The most stressed out nation was Nigeria and the least-stressed was Norway.
In the survey, the higher-ranked the country, the least stressed it was.
- Estonia ranked 52nd, Latvia ranked 34th and Lithuania 38th.
- Russia ranked 25th, Finland was ranked 68th. US was ranked 54th.
When compiling the top list, the news agency used indicators such as GDP per capital, Gini coefficient, number of murders committed per 100,000 residents per year, life expectancy, unemployment level, air pollution level and corruption.
Authors of the report wrote: while anti-depressant use is surging in Sweden (up 1000% since 1980), bursting in Britain (up 495% since 1991), and up an astounding 400% since 1994 in the USA (with 1 in 10 on some kind of 'prozac'), it is the poor-old Nigerians that should really be complaining.Based on seven variables, Bloomberg scored 74 nations around the world for their "stressed-out" factor.
The seven equally weighted variables were homicide rates, GDP per capita on a purchasing-power-parity basis, income inequality, corruption perception, unemployment, urban air pollution and life expectancy.