Our remaining week was spent in the Baltics, starting with a two-hour ferry ride from Helsinki to Tallinn, Estonia. Looking back on my photos, I must have been missing a taste of the U.S., as my food choices included a dinner of pizza and salad at Controvento on St. Catherine’s Passage, and a burger and fries for lunch the next day at a forgettable outdoor cafe in Town Hall Square.
Our splurge was dinner at Troika, a Russian restaurant complete with costumed waiters, live music and tables full of loud and happy diners.
The following day, before taking the bus to Riga in Latvia, we had lunch at Kuldse Notsu Korts (Wrinkled Golden Piglet). It’s an Estonian country restaurant with a cute pig as its logo and, no surprise — a menu that’s big on pig! All washed down with a couple tall glasses of A. Le Coq, an Estonian beer.
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