Most of the crime recorded by the police takes place in central Tallinn and Lasnamäe, according to the statistical report of the ministry of justice.
In the first five months of 2012, the police registered 6,750 crimes in Tallinn as a whole. This is about three percent more than a year earlier.
Breakdown by city districts shows that there were 2,132 crimes registered in the central district, followed by 1,509 in Lasnamäe, 881 in North Tallinn, 623 in Mustamäe, 593 in Kristiine and 370 in Haabersti.
Tallinn’s safest districts were Nõmme and Pirita with 329 and 112 registered crimes, respectively.
An annual comparison shows that crime rate has increased in Lasnamäe, Kristiine and Mustamäe, with 9, 3 and 2 percent, respectively.
Crime rates in city centre and North Tallinn remained unchanged, while crime rates were down about 10 percent in Pirita, 4 percent in Nõmme and 1 percent in Haabersti.
The number of theft was roughly similar to last year’s levels, with the exception of North Tallinn where the number of thefts fell by 65 in one year.
There were more cases of physical abuse in all city districts. In Lasnamäe, the number of such crimes was up from 197 to 269, while there were 141 cases of physical abuse in North Tallinn, 184 cases in central district, 84 in Mustamäe, 46 in Haabersti, 44 in Kristiine, 43 in Nõmme and 15 in Pirita.
As for manslaughters and murders, there were ten such crimes registered in five months in Tallinn this year, one less than a year earlier.
There were also fewer cases of inflicting serious damage to health, from ten last year to nine this year.
As for robberies, 93 were recorded by the police this year in Tallinn which is three more than a year earlier.
Toomas Hõbemägi