Location: Tallinn Song Festival Grounds
Web page: www.laulupidu.ee
Ask any Estonian what it means to be Estonian, and the first idea that will leap into his or her mind will be the Estonian Song and Dance Celebration. These massive folk gatherings, involving thousands of colorfully-dressed performers from all over Estonia and abroad, have helped define the nation's spirit ever since the days of the first Estonian Song Celebration in 1869. In the 20th century the celebration developed into a regular cultural phenomenon, and is now held once every five years
A separate Youth Song and Dance Celebration was introduced in the early 1960s to accommodate the huge numbers of youth choirs and dance groups that wanted to participate. It's held on separate years from the main celebration, but is every bit as spectacular.
XI Youth Song and Dance Celebration will be held on July 1-3. Tens of thousands of young performers will fill the Tallinn Song Festival Grounds for the three-day festival, whose slogan this summer is "The Wide World Begins in a Small Land".
Song Celebration (3 July 2011) is a six-hour long concert with different choirs and orchestras performing. Songs and music take the most powerful form when many voices blend together.
Dance Celebration (1 and 2 July 2011) is almost a two-hour dance performance with thousands of dancers’ and gymnasts’ groups on the dance ground. Together they form beautiful dance patterns and all in all perform more than 20 different dances and gymnastics’ programs.
One of the highlights, held on the festival's last day, will be the traditional parade through the city centre.
Tickets are available at www.piletilevi.ee
More information from www.laulupidu.ee