TALLINN - The pension system in Estonia in its current state does not have any perspectives, and it was clear from the middle of the 90-ties, nevertheless, no political force had the courage to increase the retirement age, says the the economic expert of the Development Fund Heido Vitsur.
The reason lies in the Birth rate decrease in the 1990-ties. The average age grows, and in the same time the amount of newcomers to the employment market is critical, clarified the expert. Everyone is aware of it, he question is -who will take the consequences of it.
According to the Vitsur's valuation, the structural reforms, on the lack of which the head of the IMF representatives Kristof Rosenberg was pointing, should have been made two years ago.
That is why the Estonian pension system, the sick-fund, education, science and the system of national administration are suffering terrible losses. The Estonian tax system is not common, and in the conditions of the traditional crisis is simply fales to support everyone with a proper financing, says Vitsur.