Sritys: Transportas, Žiniasklaida
Numatoma įvykio data: 2009-08-23
Numatomas įvykio pradžios laikas: 10:00
Numatoma įvykio vieta: Panevezys - Riga - Tallinn - Vilnius
On 23 August 2009, the three Baltic states, Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia, will celebrate the 20th anniversary of one of the most unique events in their histories. The Baltijos Kelias (Baltic Road) helped to open the door to the restoration of their independence.
This event 20 years ago was a milestone in the struggle of the three states towards the elimination of the legal and political effects of their occupation and annexation by the Soviet Union in 1940.
The Aeroclub of Lithuania - the biggest general aviation organization in Lithuania is organizing and coordinating the memory flight along the route of Baltic road together with pilots of three Baltic countries.
The group leaded by historical An 2 from Lithuanian army and followed by 15 private airplanes will try to recall the Baltic road on the August 23, 2009. The group will fly in one chain, in the height of 300 meters above the ground.
During the first part of flight the group will fly from Panevėžys – EYPI airfield - to Riga city boundary, later overfly the city a little bit north of TV tower. The approximate time above Riga city is 11.45 local time. After the Riga the formation of planes will fly to Tallinn CTR point SAKU along the E 67 motorway, later will overfly the city to MUUGA point at Tallinn CTR and overfly city to the south to VAIDA point at Tallinn CTR. After Tallinn the group will land at Rapla – EERA aerodrome. The approximate time above Tallinn is 13.10 local time. In Rapla the formation will be greeted by Estonian pilots and media.
In the route back the group will fly from Rapla – EERA - to Kyviskes airfield – EYVK - all along the E67 motorway. The formation will enter Vilnius CTR at Avizieniai fly to the Cathedral square and leave Vilnius CTR at Liepynai point. The AN 2 will drop flowers above Cathedral square. Approximate time above Cathedral square is 19.00 LT.
The pilots from three Baltic countries will join our group and will form the unforgivable formation of airplanes.
Kontaktinis (-iai) asmuo (-enys):
Mr. Ignas Krivickas, tel +370 67023237
Mr. Dalius Liekis, tel +370 698 81480