Juhan Tere
From August 1, 2009, the price of electricity sold by Eesti Energia will fall by approximately 6.4%, writes EPL Online/LETA.
This means that an average electricity bill with network fees will lower by nearly 3.6%.
The average price of electricity sold by Eesti Energia that was thus far 50.79 cents per KWh will now fall to 47.54 cents per KWh.
“The electricity bill of an average household will fall by 12 kroons from August this year – to 313 kroons instead of 325 kroons,” said Margus Rink, a member of the management board of the enterprise.
The fall in the price of electricity is caused by the fact that after the necessary investments were made, the landfill of the Narva Power Plants for storing ashes is in compliance with environmental norms and the tariffs that are by 5 times higher than the norm will no longer be applied on storing oil shale ashes. This in turn will cause the environmental fees to fall by nearly 300 million kroons, making it possible to lower the prices of electricity.
Eesti Energia reported that another reason for the falling prices is the decline in the price of shale oil used for producing electricity, due to the falling global market prices of fuel oil.