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August 26, 2008


Dieter Vogtschmidt have left Estonia also left debts behind in Pärnu. Company´s debts
company`s name: BALTI DOMUS OÜ
Registry code: 11294068
Adress: Munga 9 80011 Pärnu
21.12.2010 unpaid taxes on this date 83 991 EEK
21.12.2010 intress to tax apartment 43 316 EEK

and also unpaid loan to SEB pank

13.10.2010 court announcment
Pärnu Maakohtu menetluses on AS SEB Pank hagi Dieter Vogtschmidt (sünniaeg: 18.02.1957) vastu võlgnevuse nõudes.
Hageja palub:
1) Välja mõista Dieter Vogtschmidt'lt AS SEB Pank kasuks võlgnevus kokku 115 988. 37 EEK, mis koosneb põhisosasummast 107 492.99 EEK ja viivisest kuni 22.07.2010. a (k.a) summas 8495.38 EEK.

Internet is a big wonderful world. Just google his name and you will find that his name is not clean at all. His companys Balti Domus OÜ has also other debts....
So be careful with him in the future. Better not to deal with him at all.

Ich hätte gern mal mit Dieter Vogtschmidt Kontakt aufgenommen. oder können Sie mir seine E- Mail- Adresse schicken.

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