Tallinn - Toomas Seep - City Office
- We need common language
- Population - 400,000
- Half Estonian GDP comes from Tallinn
- 1m ID cards issued (including 230,947 foreigners)
- Central Registers, X-Road exchange between registers
- 52% have internet
- 62% use internet banking
- 80% send in tax declarations electronically (these numbers don’t add up !)
- Want to develop Electronic City Hall, Selected services 24×7, Local government transparency, back office integration
- Free wireless access in public spaces (parks, squares, beaches)
- M-Parking : pay for parking via mobile network, 60% of revenue comes from M-Parking
- ID-Ticket : Virtual transportation ID for all public transport, 120,000 users per day
- Digital Document processing via Internet
- City council sessions on web via video and audio
- All council meetings held in public and publically accessible on the web
- All legal acts online on register
- E-School : All reports and marks are online
- eVoting used universally, no security issues! (Shurely, shome mishtake, ed).
Still many things to be improved, but in the right direction ...!