* Estonia's 1996 representatives Ivo Linna & Maarja-Liis Ilus have promised to sing as part of what has been called a new 'singing revolution' - as Estonia's electoral college prepares to elect the country's next president. The concert is scheduled to take place near the Opera house on September 23rd. However they are still waiting for final permission from the City Centre authorities before it gets the official go-ahead. According to the Radio Uuno morning program one of the organisers, Jaan Elgula, has said that the concert is part of the campaign to support Toomas Heldirik Ilves, one of the presidential candidates.
The list of performers is impressive. Besides Ivo and Maarja other Estonian famous singer will sing too, like Tõnis Mägi, Ultima Thule, Untsakad, Justament, Juhansons, Chalice, Siiri Sisask and Rein Rannap. Many big businessmen are also supporting this event and all singers will perform without free of charge. It's a free concert - and is due to get underway at 10:30, lasting 2 hours.