* Pointing to the need to reduce dependence on Russian energy supplies, experts recommend the Baltic countries to consider the expediency of joining the North-European gas pipeline. "Energy security has to take into account the risks emanating from Russia. This year, Russia has disrupted gas supplies to Ukraine, Moldova and Georgia at least once. Though technical and legal problems were officially cited as an explanation, there might have been political reasons at play, due to deteriorating relations between Russia and these countries." "The Baltic states constitute a relatively small gas market that is not linked to any trunk gas pipeline. All sorts of crises, failures or disruptions may provoke serious problems with gas supplies to Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania. It is necessary to consider the expediency of building extensions from the Russian-German gas pipeline, which is being laid under the Baltic Sea." (Eesti Paevaleht, September 21.)
Commentators say the government's inertia is the cause of escalating nationalism in Russia. "Xenophobia is gaining momentum with the silent support of the government, which is damaging the Kremlin's image. In light of the recent events, it seems that Moscow cares more for the neighboring countries than for its own ethnic minorities" (Postimees, September 20.)