* With the Summer being a somewhat calmer period, we finally have some time to give you some more info on who visits the Side-Line website.
In this first chapter we will give you some insight as to where the visitors exactly come from. Unexpectedly our stats show that Side-Line counts up to 42,9% USA residents surfing the website. This is a number that keeps increasing month after month. Remind that when Side-Line.com was launched back in 1999 20% of the visits was generated by Star and Stripers.
Coming quite a bit behind are residents from Canada and the United Kingdom who both take a share of 15%. Germany comes right after with 8% of the visitors. France, Belgium and Sweden close the ranks with each more or less 6%.
What follows is a list of 2% countries such as Australia, The Netherlands, Spain, Italy, Poland, Estonia, Mexico, Denmark, Hungary, Greece, Finland, Ireland and the Russian Federation.
If we look at the numbers per city we get a completely different story. Estonia for example is almost single represented by Tallinn and thus is the 3rd most popular city in Europe only preceeded by Paris and London. 4th is Budapest (Hungary) with Dublin (Ireland) and Berlin (Germany) on the 5th and 6th position.
Remark that Germany does not figure into the top 3 cities list of Europe as the readers there are spread allover the country and less centralised to one city. Only Berlin jumps out. When we look at the USA we see 4 cities jumping out : Los Angeles, Houston, Seattle and Columbus. Canada from its side is having an industrial party all week long in Toronto so the data show.
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