*TALLINN - The Baltic Assembly, at a Friday session held in the Estonian city of Parnu, addressed the Russian State Duma and Federation Council, demanding that they admit the Soviet Union occupied the Baltic states and pay compensation for the damage done by the communist regime.
The Baltic Assembly's message says that "taking into account the approaching 60th anniversary of the conclusion of World War II, and the fact that the end of the war did not bring freedom to all countries of Europe, including the Baltic states, the Baltic Assembly requests the Russian parliament admit the occupation of the Baltic states was a result of the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact, condemn the injustice and suffering of the Baltic peoples and take measures to compensate for the damage done to Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania by the communist regime forced on them by the Soviet Union."
The Baltic assembly also decided to send a letter on the Baltic countries' occupation to U.S. President George W. Bush.
The Baltic Assembly is a cooperative structure made up of representatives from the Baltic states' parliaments.