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November 14, 2004


For a very "Personal touch". The best apartments and houses, not only in Tallinn, but all over Estonia are here. Do inquire at http://shaan.typepad.com (E-mail : [email protected]).
Please do note that anyone is free to comment, but please do not include your URL to get free publicity ! Or your comments may be taken away .. !

If anyone is looking for apartments for rent (buy) in Tallinn (for short or long term),turn to Erel Group www.erel.ee. They offer accomodation in serviced apartments.

They have an amasing choice of residences, and give good service.

www.erel.ee (4 residences)

If anyone is looking to buy an apartment in Tallinn, then they will some time to view all the options. There are some amazing deals but they obviously are not always quick or easy to find. We know the market becuse we rent low cost modern apartments in Tallinn (see www.apartment.ee) and would be happy to help point people in the right direction regrading buying.

All the best

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