----- Original Message -----
From: margo puuram
To: [email protected]
Sent: Tuesday, July 06, 2004 09:58
Subject: tere
Nice web page, my brother who lives in france send me, and i was surprised.
Marx from estonia.
Hello Margo,
And thanks so much for your little mail.
I always try to reply to all personally, but it doesn’t mean that I always will be able to ! although I will give my best.
If it is possible, I mean for yourself, for your brother, for anyone else indeed, it would be ever so nicer from you all to leave your appreciations on my site, so that everyone can read them.
At the end of each article is a link called “comment” onto which everyone is able to click to give one’s own appreciation on such or such an article.
I want to make this place a super place for Estonians as well as for any other from any country, and all hints, all “top” info, all sites which deserve a real good look can be mentioned and indicated so that in turn everyone and anyone can learn about our lovely Estonia.
There aren’t enough people right away who know about Estonia, and it is only with your help that we will make them find out about what Estonia is offering to the world.
It is only in making this site known by every single person that I will succeed.
Thanks again and really hoping to be reading you again.
P.S. : English language is mostly used for obvious reasons !